Monday, August 17, 2015

reality or a dream?

I was thinking here by myself and decided that I would like to write to you guys more about the place I decided to move to because in the last post I didn't do that.

Alot of you think that if I am talking about moving to England there's only one option and that's London. Nope, this is not the case. I've never been amused  by London and the idea of moving there didn't even cross my mind. After selecting the schools where I wanted to go it was  clear to me that the roads will take me to South-East England, Plymouth.

When I did some research about the city I was pretty excited- a seaside town, surfing, better climate than in London and very close to France (Yay!). But then I started to ask around if there were any estonians nearby. I didn't ask around much, but it's always easier to move to a foreign country if you have something familiar around you, such as your own people. A really nice estonian woman contacted me and she had some really nice news- she and her family live in Plymouth. And what was even better- she was starting in the same school as me. Hooray ! Any fear that I had disappeared in a bilk of an eye.

Here's a link bout Plymouth if anybody wants to know more. -Plymouth

The excitement is crossing all the borders- starting with the new country and ending with bedding. Yes, bedding. I think it's not surprising, but yes, I have been shopping for stuff for my room- bedding and even candles. Silly, but my mind is not obeying me.

A few words about the school. Hihi, oh this is exciting. The school is located in the city centre and it's called Plymouth College of Art. During the interview I even got a tour of the school and I got to see the sewing studio, what brought a big smile on my face. I did some more research afterwards and it came out that the scool has alot to offer- different specialities and alot of different machines to work with. Thinking about the facilities and machines makes my head spin. or is it the wine. who knows ;)

A link to the their homepage. Plymouth College of Art

School will start from the middle of september so I will have a month to adjust. But from what I can see there will be alot of events before school so  I will probably me tired when I start school, but I doubt that.

All I can say is that it will be magical and fantastic. Sometimes it seems that reality is an illusion because it all si just unbelievably good.

On that positive note I will end this post.

Dream big!

Your Liisu.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

going to see the world.

Some of you have been thinking that I have disappeared from the edge of the world and to be frank, I haven't posted stuff in a while also. So I think I should maybe explain myself a little.

The last year has been full of different adventures and ordeals. Alot of you don't know that I have been in Estonia for the last year and dealing with myself and my thoughts- like we all want to do sometimes.

But hey, knowing me, I cannot stay still not even for a second- the last year has been filled with fun, work and all that's good under the rainbow but that is not the reason I am staring a new blog here. Like every new beginning, this also needs a blog. So, I have been having a secret plan for the last year that got a great push in January.

Denmark was nice- starting from the people and ending with the school but- there's always a but- that country was not for me (like estonia, it's  too small for me-as i am a  big person ;D ) and I decided that the next step is going to be something different. Yeap, i'm babbling again and again, as always, but here's the point- once more I am going to wipe the dust from under my feet and go and discover new lands-this time- England.

My little secret plan, England, has been on my mind for a while-from the time my feet touched Estonia after DK. But like every plan, it took time to write down every aspect of it and not to run into the fire head first and blindfolded.

The major part of the plan was to go and finish my BA but to do that I had to start choosing schools and applying to them. Of course, I fell in love with one school and and after the interviews I was sure which one I was going to choose. I needed to hear what the school has to say, but in the interview they told me "Looking forward to seeing you in September". So it was a done deal.

Flabbergasted from the news, I didn't know what to do. Like a proper daughter, i called my mom but i couldn't say a word. In the end my mom asked "How did it go? Did you get in?" after that, i just bursted into tears and mumbled "Mhm". A reaction like that is not common for me, so that meant that the choice was  right.

I had the school but everything else needed to be done- I couldn't let myself sleep under a bush, you know. But luckily for me, I was smarter after moving to Denmark and everything is done by now and all I need to do is pack and hop on a plane.

A few more weeks and the adventure may begin once again.

The excitement is killing me, it's a miracle I can sleep-

I'm off now, but soon, very soon, I'll be back with a new post. :)
